Gardening Tips

Welcome to your source for elevating your gardening prowess. Our curated tips offer solutions for every gardener, from novice to expert. With our expert advice, uncover the secrets to vibrant landscapes and abundant harvests. Explore soil enrichment, pest control, plant care, and more. Whether you have a balcony garden or a sprawling estate, we have tips tailored to your needs. Let Folmer Gardens be your guide to cultivating lush, thriving green spaces. Start your journey today and watch your garden flourish like never before!

Tip #1 - Hibiscus Pruning

Many customers ask us at the Garden Centre how and when to prune perennial Hibiscus. We always tell them to wait until spring when the bright green stems from the fall have died back to the ground ( the ‘before’ photo). The whole brown part of each stem should be cut back to the green part at the base of the plant as shown in the second photo. In the ‘after’ photo, you will see what a properly pruned perennial Hardy Hibiscus should look like in spring. And the big colour photo is your summer reward for diligent spring pruning! And don’t forget to add some perennial granular fertilizer or compost around the base of the plant each spring as these plants are heavy feeders and require a lot of nutrients to make these huge flowers. And mulch well for moisture retention. Dry soil and lack of nutrients will result in stunted growth and a lack of blooms. A little spring work for a summer full of blooms and easy-care beauty!

 Folmer Garden Centre and Botanical Gardens.


Tip #2 - Strategicly Limbing Trees

Our Golden Cedar was overgrowing our bench and walkway to the Garden Centre as well as blocking the view to the Gift Shop. Limbing up the branches opens up the views and creates more space under the tree.

A great idea for overgrown trees and shrubs that you want to preserve!